
As a token of appreciation for his contribution to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea over the years, Mr. Eric Edward Hotung was conferred the title of Senior Advisor by the Korea International Chamber of Commerce. Ms. Kerri Zhou, President and Honorable Chairman of the Board presented the Certificate of Senior Advisor to him.September 2009

In an effort to promote friendly relation between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Taiwan, Korea International Chamber of Commerce has appointed Prof. Lin Chiu Shan as the advisor.

Honorary President Kerri Zhou issuing the certificate to Prof. Lin Chiu Shan in May 2013




Ms. Kerri Zhou, Honorary Chairman of KICC , KICC appointed Prof Lin Chiu Shan as the advisor

Antonio Cheng, Vice Chairman of KICC , Coordination of KICC Mr. Cheng Cen Cun

